Entering into a retail lease agreement is a significant step for both landlords and tenants and one that should not be taken lightly. To ensure transparency and protect the rights of all parties involved, a Retail Lease Disclosure Statement is almost always required.

At Robert Woods and Associates, we are commercial lawyers who provide precise advice and ideal solutions for your business, no matter the legal circumstances. We can assist you with lease agreements, disputes, and commercial litigation in all jurisdictions. If you are looking to sign a new retail lease agreement, read on to find out about the crucial Retail Lease Disclosure Statement.

What is a Retail Lease Disclosure Statement?

This is simply a legal document that provides important information to both landlords and tenants involved in a retail lease. It discloses specific details about the lease terms and conditions, as well as any relevant information about the retail premises. It helps ensure that the tenant is fully informed about the terms of the lease before signing the agreement, and it also assists the landlord in meeting their legal obligations.

While the specific contents of the Statement may vary depending, it generally includes information such as:

  • The names and contact information of the landlord and the tenant.
  • A description of the retail premises being leased, including its location, size, and any common areas or facilities that the tenant has access to.
  • The duration of the lease, including the start and end dates, as well as any options for renewal or termination.
  • The amount of rent to be paid, the frequency of payments, and any additional charges or outgoings that the tenant is responsible for.
  • Whether a bond or security deposit is required and the amount.
  • Any additional expenses that the tenant may be responsible for, such as maintenance, repairs, insurance, or utilities.
  • The specific purposes for which the premises can be used.
  • The details of any rent review mechanisms, such as the frequency and method of review.
  • A breakdown of any additional costs or outgoings associated with the lease, such as rates, taxes, or service charges.
  • Any other relevant terms and conditions that both parties should be aware of, including rights and obligations, dispute resolution procedures, and any restrictions or permissions related to alterations or subleasing.

When is the Disclosure Statement Provided?

It must provided by the landlord to the tenant before the lease is signed, allowing the tenant to review the information and seek legal or professional advice if necessary.

In the case of a new lease, the Statement must be supplied 14 days before the lease is signed. In the case of a tenant exercising an option for a further term, a Disclosure Statement must be given 3 months before the last date the tenant has to exercise an option before the lease expires.

This statement is a crucial document that serves as a cornerstone of transparency and fairness in the retail leasing process. It empowers all parties involved with essential information about the lease terms, rental obligations, and associated costs so that informed decisions can be made.

Need the Assistance of a Retail Lease Lawyer? Melbourne’s Robert Wood and Associates Can Help

Are you signing a new lease? or do you need advice from an experienced lease dispute lawyer? Melbourne businesses have relied on our law firm for over 30 years. With a reputation for being a solution-focused, client-driven team, we are here to devise tailored strategies to assist you and the specific needs of your business. Get in touch with us today online or call 03 9762 3877 to speak with our friendly staff.